Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear Internet Company {Revisited},

Hello again.  Perhaps you remember my first letter to you.  Well, I have heard more of the story, and here are my thoughts:

I will likely be switching to a different company, because this is just flat out stupid.

Thanks for listening.  It's been a good, oh, I don't know, 8 years with you, but I'm about to peace out.  

Love, Me


Kacey said...

Seriously? Seriously? This rumor is legit? I may have to call you out on who "internet company" actually is and make sure I am not missing anything!! lol :D

Great, now I have MC Hammer in my head...too legit, too legit to quit, hey! hey!

Jess said...

Wha? Oh my gosh! Geez if that happened I don't know what I'd do!