Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Grandma Lady in Kohls,

Why, thank you!  Just two weeks ago the High School Kid in the Drugstore thought that I was in high school with him.  

Then, tonight, YOU stopped me to ask if I liked a dress that you had just bought for your 13 year old granddaughter.

Oh, my!

You said that you thought if I liked it, then she would like it too.

In fact, I liked it so much I bought it too!  Hehe.

So, week before last I was in high school, now I am looking 13.  I'm getting younger by the minute!

Thank you for your "compliment" and for showing me the super cute dress.  Hope your granddaughter liked it, too.

Love, Me


Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Hi, just stopping by from SITS. Your space is so inspiring! I hope you will stop by and read excerpts for my book, Abby's Between Girlfriends: A Sharing of Marital Secrets. Tell your friends to stop by...

Paula said...

This is adorable. Congrats on all the compliments :)

the. nanny. said...

you know, i always worried when people took me for a much younger age (oh say like, 13) but if it's happening to you too then it might be alright considering you don't exactly look like a acne-prone hormonal teen. its reassuring to me.

Meg said...

Ha ha, that's so funny. I too find myself stopping by the juniors section... and ashamed to admit it. Cute blog concept :)