Well, it's been real. It's been a long 3 years. You've been small. And cramped. And very high. The three flights of stairs were never fun. But, you were provided a roof over our heads and heat in the winter and air in the summer. Except last summer on the hottest day when the A/C broke. Nonetheless, we are indeed sad to leave you, our first "home" - but will not miss the feeling of studying and law school that you carry with you. However, we will miss the fun times we've had here as newlyweds and beyond - you were a wonderful first "home" for our first three years of marriage. Although we'll one day get a real home, we'll never have another first "home."
Take care of your next tenants. May they be as blessed as we have been.
Love, Me
PS - I am still taking Guest Bloggers if you'd like to participate - just email me at thedailydear@yahoo.com!
holy cow! my fiance and i are searching for our first apartment! it's exciting. and frustrating. :)
Awe! This just warms my heart. Xoxo-BLC
Sounds just like mine!
This is so cute! The Duncans are moving up in this world, and that's a wonderful thing!
I am so very proud of you and your husband for getting through law school! That is such a huge accomplishment. Isn't your bar soon? I was thinking it was in June. I have my fingers crossed for the Duncan Duo!!! Good luck with everything!
What a sweet idea for a blog. I especially liked your letter to the grandmother! Bet you felt great after that.
(dropping by from SITS)
I just found your blog and I'm in love with it! What a cute idea! I'd love to do a guest post, so I'll be thinking on it and I'll get back with you!
Dear Daily Dear,
This is the most brilliant idea EVER! I absolutely *must* feature you on my blog. Be a dear and email me at your earliest convenience.
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