Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dear Smart Bloggy People,

Yes, I am about to ask for free advice.  Please forgive me in advance.  How on earth do you change the word "comments" to something else?  Like I see people say " 4 Giggles" or "83 such-and-suches" and I just cannot figure it out.

I would just be giddy if someone would explain it to me.  Heck, Jo from The A-Priori Mommy explained the Rule Against Perpetuities to me (see post from April 18)!  Who knew you'd get info like that on a blog?!

Lots of kisses to all you smart bloggy people.

Love, Me


BLC :o said...

Oh dear, I just don't know. I wish I did ... and I am sure someone will. Toodles for now ... I am off to check out April 18th!!! My property exam is in two weeks ... EEEEEk! Xoxo-BLC

Kacey said...

Ooooh. I think I might know the answer, but before I ramble on and send you on a wild goose chase, let me check it out during nap time. I'll holla back at you later and see if I can figure it out. ;D

M.A. said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

This link will show you how:

It also has so many more awesome blogging tips!

Whitney said...

hmmm... not a clue. I know so helpful aren't I? If you find out, let me know!!!

Lesley said...

Good your blog...stopping by with some SITS love

BLC :o said...

PS: I tagged you for an award. Xoxo

LawGirl said...

I caught onto your blog from also winning the fancy pants award from BLC. Once finals are over I hope to catch up with you!

campbell6 said...

This is one of your your blog! What a hilarious idea with the "dear" stuff. I'm bloggily challenged myself and I've got to figure out how you make all those really cute buttons. Thanks for the must be an exhorter. Have a great Monday!