Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Birthday Fairy,

I'd like a few of these from Anthropologie, pretty please.  (It's tomorrow).

I'd loooove one in every color.

Ooooh lalala.

Love, Me


Just Add Walter said...

happy early birthday!! :) ps: I have been checking out the new blog... and I am a fan :) (guess I should have posted this on that site.. haha)

Lora said...

happy birthday! I love anthropologie and those are adorable!
Visiting you from SITS...have a wonderful day!

AP Mommy said...

Happy Birthday! Stopping by from SITS those ARE adorable. I hope the birthday fairy was listening!

DiPaola Momma said...

Gotta love that Birthday Fairy!

To answer your question, a Welcomista is:

A SITSta who has taken on the honor of welcoming new blogs and bloggers to the SITStahood. When someone picks up the SITS button, the SITS girls post that blogger's info onto the Welcomista blog. We Welcomistas then stop by with some extra comment wub. WELCOME:-) From a Welcomista!

Whitney said...

i adore latte bowls! I hope that you get some from the birtday fairy!